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Below are the most relevant national and local policy and guidance documents that are used to guide decision-making when determining a planning application.

Stevenage Borough Local Plan

Stevenage Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

These three adopted SPDs have replaced our:

  • Parking Provision and Sustainable Transport SPD (October 2020)
  • Developer Contributions SPD (March 2021) and;
  • Design Guidance SPD (January 2023).


Stevenage Borough Council has also been seeking Biodiversity Gain (BNG) for developments since the council formally adopted the 'Impact of Development on Biodiversity supplementary planning document' (SPD) for Biodiversity Net Gain on 18 March 2021.

This document set out how the council assessed planning applications that have an impact on biodiversity. It also provided information to applicants on how to calculate any offset delivery.

This document has now been revoked. Please see our statement of revocation below for reasons and date of revocation.

All up-to-date guidance can be found on the main government websites. You can find links for these websites on our Biodiversity Net Gain page, under 'What has been published. Regulations and the Statutory Biodiversity Metric'. 

Conservation Area Management Plans

Conservation Area Appraisals

Conservation Area Appraisals have been conducted to define the special interest of the conservation areas in order to help preserve and enhance their character, and to provide a basis for making sustainable decisions about their future.

Community Infrastructure Levy


General Planning Enquiries

Development Management
Planning and Regulation
Stevenage Borough Council
Daneshill House

01438 242838 or call our Customer Service Department on 01438 242242 where your details will be passed over to the Planning Department for an officer to respond accordingly