Forster Country Park Statement, Reserved Matters Application
"Far from there being a ‘secret plan’ for a new, exciting Country Park in the North of Stevenage, there will be open consultation so that all local people can have their say.
"To share the background, a planning application was received in 2017, for the development in the North of Stevenage. This included proposals for a new Country Park for all residents to access and enjoy. This application was approved by the Council’s Planning and Development Committee. Some elements, such as layout and landscaping, were required to be considered again in the future by the Committee, through what is known as a Reserved Matters application.
“At the time, the Committee made it very clear that the proposals for the Country Park must be of the highest of ecological and environmental standards, and respect local heritage including that of E.M. Forster.
“The Council has received the proposed Reserved Matters application, including the proposed layout of the country park, and is carrying out public consultation. All residents are encouraged share their comments.
“We look forward to hearing your views on how, together, we can ensure this country park is an asset to the whole community in Stevenage, before the application is considered by the Planning and Development Committee.”
To give us your feedback you will need to register on our planning system.
Once you have registered:
- Search for application number 22/00781/RMM
- Click the 'Make a Comment' tab
- Ensure your details are correct
- Select your commenter type and stance
- Tell us your comment
- Click Submit
Within this link you'll also find all the previous documentation and maps associated with the planning application.
If you do not have access to email, you can write to us at Daneshill House.
Planning (Development Management)
Stevenage Borough Council
Daneshill House
A name and address does need to be provided as it is a public record and we will use this to keep you informed of any relevant information.