North Stevenage Development
Proposed Country Park – Reserved Matters Application and FAQs
The proposed development of the Country Park, if granted, aims to be an asset for all the people of Stevenage, including 38 hectares of informal open space available for use by everyone. The park itself will be accessible for all, including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
It is anticipated that under the proposals much of the park will be restored as a hay meadow along with the reinstatement of lost hedgerow field boundaries. On the eastern side of the park will be a community orchard. The new park will also consist of upgraded surfaces to existing footpaths and bridleways and new routes connecting adjoining residential developments to the wider open countryside.
The Public Rights of Way network would remain unobstructed and accessible across the country park. A car park of 50 spaces is proposed in the north-western corner of the park, along with a picnic area and toilet block, which would be delivered in phases whilst one of the pylons is grounded. The car park will be accessed via a new residential road to be delivered within the North Stevenage development, providing an access route for maintenance vehicles to enter the park as well as the grounding tower.
A further vehicle access is proposed at the southern end of the park, but for emergency and maintenance and vehicles only.
It is anticipated that the park will also include a number of biodiversity enhancements, such as tree and copse planting, bird boxes and log piles, along with ground nesting habitats.
A tree belt is proposed on the north-western part of the park to provide visual screening. The Country Park would also comprise surface water basins.
The park, if approved by the Council, will be delivered over three phases, each of which will be transferred to Stevenage Borough Council once they have been completed.
PLEASE NOTE: The country park is a proposal made by the developers Bellway Homes and Miller Homes and not that of Stevenage Borough Council, who are not currently the landowners. Therefore, any final decision relating to the Country Park will rest with the Council’s Planning and Development Committee.
A copy of the plan relating to the proposed Country Park can be viewed below:
It is also proposed, as part of this Reserved Matters application, that there is also the provision of a car park for up to 50 vehicles to ensure visitors are able to park safely without blocking the highway, as well as a toilet block to provide facilities close to the country park. Details of the car park and toilet block are shown in the plans below: