North East and Central Hertfordshire Vision 2050 - Consultation
We are working on a plan that will guide planning and development in the North East and Central Hertfordshire area (NEC Herts).
The plan is a joint vision and has been prepared by five authorities and Hertfordshire County Council in the NEC Herts area:
- Broxbourne Borough Council
- East Hertfordshire District Council
- North Hertfordshire District Council
- Stevenage Borough Council
- Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council

The plan aims to ensure that infrastructure is properly co-ordinated and delivered alongside the need for new homes and jobs. By working together, we are confident we will be in a stronger position to deliver and fund essential facilities that local people want to see, such as transport, schools, health and utilities like water and sewerage.
Each district council will still be responsible for preparing their own local plan, but a joint strategic plan will be a critical stage in local planning work across North East and Central Hertfordshire, setting the strategic framework and shared priorities within which individual local plans can be prepared.
The North East and Central Hertfordshire team working on the delivery of the joint strategic plan have reached a key milestone and have finalised a shared vision setting out the aspirations for the area up to 2050 based around 6 key themes.
This consultation closed on 31 January but you can still view the vision document available to download below.