North Road

The North Road development will be known as De Haviland House, in recognition of the work carried out on De Haviland aircraft in the local area.
This site will see the development of 21, one and two-bedroom apartments which will be for private sale. The site was previously used as hostel accommodation that was not considered fit for purpose, and had been out of use for a number of years as a result of ongoing maintenance costs.

The receipts from the private sale will contribute towards development of other affordable accommodation across the town, including sites such as the development on Scarborough Avenue. The scheme is a three storey development with properties on the top floor being built into the roof structure, to provide penthouse apartments.

Progress on site today
The scheme at North Road is progressing very well, with the build now complete to roof level and internal work ongoing.
Landscaping works are continuing to progress, with kerbs now laid to the external hardstanding areas.
The scheme is due to complete by the end of December 2021.