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Examples of Right to Repair

The Right to Repair legislation gives you the right to have small emergency or urgent repair carried out quickly.

Customers will be entitled to £10 plus £2 per day for each day that the repair remains outstanding to a maximum of £50.

A compensation payment will only be considered on failure of ‘Qualifying Repairs’ as identified in the Right to Repair regulations. This means the repair must:

  • have an estimated value of less than £250; and
  • be classified as an emergency repair.
Repairs and timeframes (working days)

Type of repairTimeframe
Total loss of electric power1
Unsafe power or lighting socket or electrical fitting1
Total loss of water supply1
Total or partial loss of gas supply1
Blocked flue to open fire or boiler1
Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 1 November and 30 April1
Blocked or leaking foul drain, soil stack or (where there is no other working toilet in the dwelling-house) toilet pan1
Toilet not flushing (where there is no other working toilet in the dwelling-house)1
Leak from water or heating pipe, tank or cistern1
Insecure external window, door or lock1
Partial loss of electric power3
Partial loss of water supply3
Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 1 May and 31 October3
Blocked sink, bath or basin3
Loose or detached banister or handrail3
Rotten timber flooring or stair tread3
Leaking roof7
Door entry phone not working7
Mechanical extractor fan in internal kitchen or bathroom not working7

Please Note: In the event that compensation is claimed by a tenant in rent arrears, any amount will be deducted from the rent arrears and not paid to the tenant.

Right to Repair compensation payments do not apply where a tenant fails to provide access for us or our contractor to their home or where we need to order specialist parts to complete the repair or in Leaseholder properties.

For more information, please e-mail