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We have a legal duty, under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, to ensure that gas appliances, gas piping and flues provided for tenants’ use are well maintained and safe.

Council houses

Aaron Services Ltd. is our supplier, carrying out gas servicing, heating and hot water repairs to domestic boilers in council homes. If you have an issue, please call Aaron Services on 0330 175 7497.

All Aaron Services engineers carry photographic ID.

Flat block or sheltered housing

Some of our larger blocks of flats and sheltered housing schemes have communal boilers which are serviced and maintained by Gas Way.

If you have an issue with your heating and are on a communal system, call Gas Way on 01206 237480.

Council obligations

Our obligations as a landlord are to:

  • Ensure that gas fittings, gas pipes and flues are maintained in a safe condition.
  • Ensure that an annual gas safety check is carried out within 12 months.
  • Have all installation, maintenance and safety checks carried out by a GAS SAFE registered gas installer.
  • Keep a record of each safety check for at least two years.
  • Issue a copy of the latest safety check record to the existing tenant within 28 days of the check being completed, or to any new tenant before they move in.
  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure that servicing of appliances is undertaken including legal action to force entry where all reasonable attempts to obtain access have been explored. We may also cap your gas supply. This is necessary to fulfil our statutory obligations and to ensure the health and safety of our tenants.

Out of hours

For out-of-hours heating emergencies, please call us on 01438 314963.

What you can do to help

We want to ensure that you and your family are safe in your home. You can help by:

  • giving us access to your homes at the times our gas contractor agree with you
  • replying quickly to letters asking to make appointments with you
  • keeping the appointment
  • letting our gas contractor know as soon as you can if you can’t make an appointment so that they can rearrange it
  • never try to repair any gas fault yourself.

When the gas engineer is carrying out your gas service please:

  • avoid going near the work area
  • ensure all appliances and your gas meter are easily accessible
  • keep any children or pets away from the work area
  • keep access routes through your home clear.

If you don’t let the gas engineer into your home

We take the safety of your family, friends and neighbours very seriously. This is why servicing your gas appliance is very important to us.

It is a free service that we have to carry out annually by law and we also want to protect the people in your home.

Even if we don’t hear from you, our gas contractor will still call at your property. If you are not in they will leave a card to let you know they called and will send you a letter reminding you to make an appointment.

If we still don’t hear from you, we will send a third and final letter; after this we will apply for a warrant from the Court, which will allow us to enter your home. We will let you know when we have done this and you still have the opportunity to contact us to arrange a gas service.

Quality Control

Phoenix Compliancy Management (PCM) are our quality control auditors and may contact you after you have had your boiler serviced, or a repair carried out. This is to ensure the works have been completed to a high standard expected by SBC.