Paying your Rent
Rent is payable every Monday a week in advance, unless you've agreed a different payment schedule with us. Your rent may include other regular or communal charges associated with the property.
Pay by Direct Debit
Direct Debit is the easy way to make sure your rent is paid without having to get in touch each week. We now offer payment dates on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of every month. See our information about payment by Direct Debit to sign up.
Pay online or by telephone
You can pay your council tax, housing rent and other charges, business rates, invoices, housing benefit overpayments and leaseholder charges.
To make a payment this way you will need your account or reference number. For housing rent and other housing charges this is a 9-digit number starting with a one. This number is on all rent letters we send you.
Our automated telephone payment system is available 24/7 call 01438 242345.
Online account
If you need to view more details of your rent account history you can sign up to our Housing online account. You will need a valid email address and your rent account reference number to register.
Please note that this online customer account is not for Council Tax or Benefits.
Pay at the Post Office
To pay at the Post Office you will need to take your account card with you. If you require a new one you can apply for it online and it will be posted out to you.