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The table below shows the types of property we would normally offer you.

The typical types of property allocated

Family size and composition Number of bedrooms
Single person only Studio flat
Single person or couple with no dependent children as permanent residents of the household One bedroom
Family, one child,
Family, two children, same sex, both aged under 16,
Family, two children, different sexes, both aged ten or under,
Couple with medical recommendation for separate bedrooms,
Single person or couple with verified need for permanent, full-time, live-in carer
Two bedroom
Family, two children,
Family, three children,
Family, four children
Three bedroom
Family with four children Large three bedroom (three doubles)
Family three children, where none can share a bedroom
Family four children
Four bedrooms (two doubles and two singles)
Family five or more children Four bedroom (three doubles and one single)
Family five or more children Five bedroom - any combination