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Adaptation requests

We will provide adaptations that are considered to be necessary, appropriate, reasonable and practical to suit the needs of elderly and disabled people or people with mobility problems.

All adaptation works need to be referred to us by Social Services, a suitably qualified Healthcare Practitioner or a Council officer.

If your needs cannot be met in your current home, we will also discuss alternative housing options with you.

Please contact Social Services on 0300 123 4042 to request an assessment of your needs, after which they will forward a referral to us if they consider any adaptations necessary and appropriate.

Please remember that a referral is not confirmation that we will carry out the works recommended therein.

Upon receipt of a referral and before confirming acceptance of the recommendations, we will assess whether any such referral is:

  • necessary,
  • appropriate,
  • reasonable and/or practical,

in line with our current Policies, Government Legislation and Planning/Building Regulations.

Whilst minor adaptations will be completed within 20 working days, please note we do have a backlog of cases and currently estimate that most cases for major works will take 12 to 18 months.

Please read our Aids and Adaptations Policy which helps in the delivery of the service to our council tenants.

For further information or advice please contact 01438 242666 or email,