Micro-Woodland Tree Planting
Welcome to the Miyawaki Micro Woodland Project
We are excited to introduce the Miyawaki Micro Woodland project, funded by the Coronation Living Heritage Fund. This initiative aims to transform local parks in Stevenage into vibrant, biodiverse green corridors, creating a lasting environmental legacy for future generations.
The project looks to plant approximately 5000 native trees across three Stevenage parks.
What is a Miyawaki Micro Woodland?
A Miyawaki micro woodland is a densely planted, fast-growing forest using the methods developed by Japanese botanist Dr. Akira Miyawaki. This innovative approach involves planting native species closely together to replicate natural forest ecosystems, resulting in resilient, diverse woodlands that support a variety of wildlife.
Project Overview
- Location: Stevenage Parks- Hampson Park, Shephalbury and St. Nicholas
- Funding: Coronation Living Heritage Fund
- Grass Treatment: To help the new trees get started, we have applied a treatment to kill off the grass in this area. it is only temporary as it helps to reduce the competition between grasses and trees during early establishment.
- Planting Dates: Starting late November to mid-January
- Species: A diverse mix of native trees and shrubs to enhance local biodiversity.
Why Miyawaki Method?
- Rapid Growth: Miyawaki forests grow 10 times faster than traditional forests.
- High Biodiversity: These forests can support up to 100 times more biodiversity.
- Carbon Sequestration: Effective at absorbing carbon dioxide, helping mitigate climate change.
- Community Involvement: Encourages community participation and environmental stewardship.
For those interested in further reading about the benefits see Earthwatch's Tiny Forest monitoring report.
Get Involved
We invite residents, schools, community groups, and businesses in Stevenage to join us in creating these vibrant green spaces. Your involvement is essential to the success of this project and offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the environmental health and beauty of our town.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Tree Planting Days: Participate in hands-on tree planting events. No experience needed, and all ages are welcome.
- Maintenance and Monitoring: Help care for the newly planted woodlands and track their growth and health.
Community Benefits:
- Enhanced Green Spaces: Creating features in green spaces giving visible structure and texture to the landscape.
- Educational Opportunities: Providing hands-on learning experiences for local schools and residents.
- Health and Well-being: Promoting physical and mental well-being through increased access to nature. Increased shading and cooling to the immediate area.
- Environmental Impact: New connections to woodland areas, making green corridors, improving air quality, reducing urban heat islands, and supporting local wildlife.
Stay Informed & Participate
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events by subscribing to our Newsletter and following us on social media using the links at the bottom of this page.
Spread the Word! Share our project with friends and family on social media using the hashtag #treemendousStevenage
For more information, please contact Matt Pearson