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Stevenage Borough Council
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Find out how we are managing grassland in Stevenage
Green Spaces
We have a plan and a strategy for our green spaces
Landscape and Woodlands
Find out about our grass cutting schedule and our care for trees
How to report pollutants in the air, land, water and noise pollution
Street Care and Cleaning
How we keep our streets and public spaces clean
Animal Care and Control
How to microchip your dog and report a lost, dangerous dog or stray animal
Pest Control
Find out which pests we provide treatment for
Environmental Health Fees and Charges
Fees and charges for pest control, licensing, gambling and more
Unauthorised Encampments
How to protect your land from unauthorised use
Firework Laws & Regulations
Find out the occasions when you can let off fireworks
Community Litter Picking
We can support you to organise litter picking in your area
Avian Influenza
What you can do to prevent bird flu and to stay safe
Climate Change and Sustainability
How we are improving quality of life whilst looking after the environment
Consultations - Green Spaces and Tree and Woodland Strategies
Have your say on the draft strategies and help shape Stevenage’s green future