Stevenage Climate Action Plan
In 2019, the Council declared a Climate Emergency, confirming its commitment to battling climate change by setting a target for Stevenage to be net-zero emissions by 2030. In September 2020, we released our Stevenage Climate Change Strategy, identifying 8 strategic themes that would lead the action plan towards net-zero.
A summary of our emissions baseline estimated with 2018 data, our progress so far in terms of GHG emissions reductions, and our challenge ahead to meet our 2030 target is shown below.

Continuing our commitment to address climate change, we have produced our Climate Action Plan which can be explored using the link below.
Working in partnership with Kausal, this interactive, web-based portal highlights the projects being undertaken by the council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate change resilience, and promote environmental stewardship and sustainability. It can be viewed by everyone in an easy-to-understand format, detailing data in charts, figures, and diagrams.
The Action Plan contains relevant climate actions Stevenage Borough Council is undertaking, or planning to undertake, within the following eight strategic themes:
- Businesses
- Homes
- Transport
- Construction and Regeneration
- Energy and Water
- People and Awareness
- Waste and Recycling
- Biodiversity