Stevenage Together
Stevenage Together is a range of diverse partner agencies who share a vision of Stevenage in the future.

Our ethos
We will foster innovative ways of working together, in order to improve the lives of people who live, work and visit Stevenage.
Our aims
- Generate pride in the borough
- Develop communities
- Help people feel safe
- Regenerate the economy
- Improve residents’ health
Our members
- Stevenage Borough Council
- Hertfordshire County Council
- Theme groups – SoSafe, Social Inclusion Partnership, Health and Wellbeing Partnership, Economy Task Force
- Local Enterprise Partnership
- Hertfordshire Constabulary
- Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue
- East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group
- Charity and voluntary sector organisations
Our work
Improving the health of Stevenage residents by:
- providing a healthy hub;
- providing clean and green spaces and play opportunities; and
- promoting good mental health.
Maximising opportunities to grow the local economy by:
- encouraging volunteering;
- developing opportunities for our young people;
- supporting local businesses to grow; and
- addressing child poverty.
Making Stevenage a safer place to live, work and visit by:
- developing proactive solutions to antisocial behaviour;
- consulting with communities to understand their concerns and needs; and
- designing out crime.
Support Team
Stevenage Borough Council
Daneshill House