How you can prepare for an Emergency
Hertfordshire Resilience, the County’s Local Resilience Forum and multi-agency partnership, works to prepare for large-scale emergencies.
Be ready
Hertfordshire Resilience has produced information to help residents think about simple things they can do to prepare for an emergency, including severe weather, flooding and pandemic flu.
Ready for Anything at Herts County Council includes useful tips, advice and contact information.
Prepare now
Familiarise yourself with the procedures for switching off gas, electricity and water supplies.
Put emergency items in a bag you can grab easily if you have to leave your property in a hurry. Keep a torch, blanket, food and a bottle of water in your car.
Consider making a pet plan. Would your pet be safer at home or could friends or relatives look after them? If you are evacuated and take your pet with you, what else will you need to take?
Make copies of insurance documents, passports and financial arrangements and keep them somewhere safe where they can be accessed quickly without putting yourself at risk.
Listen to local radio stations for advice from the emergency services. The emergency services will tell you if you have to leave your home. Follow their instructions carefully and take your medication, address book, keys and some money with you.
GOV.UK have detailed tips and advice on preparing for emergencies