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Helping you to feel safe, secure, protected and empowered

The SADA Domestic Abuse Service, which is a service for everyone, aims to support and signpost people experiencing domestic abuse.

A domestic abuse support worker will support you with a number of areas including;

  • Fitting security features to your home
  • Help with referral to other agencies
  • Housing/tenancy support
  • Support for access to legal advice
  • Practical support for you and family members
  • Emotional support
  • Debt and benefit advice
  • Friday morning virtual drop in support service

Survivors Against Domestic Abuse; how does it work to help?

First contact

We receive contact details of service users from an agency or in person.

Crisis intervention

We will look to support with housing related issues and refer for home security measures. SADA can also refer to other agencies for tailored support. 

To Panel

SADA and partners will meet each six weeks to make sure action is coherent and effective.


In each case, support is carefully reviewed to make sure it works effectively for those who use the service.

Contact details

Domestic Abuse Service
Communities Advice and Support
Daneshill House
Tel: 01438 242666

In an emergency always call the Police on 999

To report a non-emergency call 101