Co-operative Neighbourhoods
Bringing everyone together
Co-operative Neighbourhoods is about combining our efforts to celebrate and build on what is good about our neighbourhoods and finding ways of addressing the things we want to improve.
Residents, Councillors and Council staff all share a desire for Stevenage’s neighbourhoods to be places where people want to live, work, enjoy themselves and raise a family if they choose and give them the best start in life.
Co-operative Neighbourhoods looks to make better connections between the Council, our communities and the people who live and work there. It is a partnership between the people who live here, the public and voluntary services and the businesses based in the town.
For more information about co-operative neighbourhoods in Stevenage visit the Co-operative Council's Innovation Network website, of which we are a member.
How the Co-operative Neighbourhoods teams help
The six Co-operative Neighbourhoods Teams help in the following areas:
- Connecting staff from different services who work in the same part of Stevenage so they can provide better services to residents.
- Responding more quickly to matters that residents are concerned about.
- Making it easier for residents to shape the services and projects in their neighbourhood.
- Supporting the activities of residents and communities who want to improve their neighbourhoods and create new opportunities for themselves.
Community Plans
Each of the six Neighbourhoods has a community plan which sets out the following:
- Plans for Investment in the area.
- Community projects and activities.
- Issues prioritised with the community that the team will work on together.
- Corporate priorities which involve local activity, such as climate change.
- Priorities identified for possible action in the future, such as where funding bids may need to be made.

The Community Development team can all be contacted by email