Planning application - West of Stevenage
16 April 2021
The Council has received an application for development of land to the West of Stevenage from Taylor Wimpey and Persimmon Homes. The application is for 1,500 new homes, including 30 per cent affordable homes, along with sports facilities, open spaces, transport and access arrangements, a primary school and a local centre. This application relates to a site which has been allocated within the Stevenage Borough Local Plan.
This is a major application, and will be subject to extensive review and consultation with residents and statutory organisations in the months ahead. The application can be viewed online through the Council’s planning portal, and further information on how residents can provide feedback on the application.
It will be reviewed by the Council’s Planning and Regulation department, and is expected to be considered by the Planning and Development Committee later in the year.
Zayd Al-Jawad, Assistant Director, Planning and Regulation
Further information
The application is a hybrid application, seeking full consent for part of the development.
- 390 homes (including 117 affordable homes and four self-build plots).
- Cricket pitch and/or football pitches with a pavilion, public open space and amenity space (including children's play facilities).
- Associated landscaping and ecological enhancements.
- Internal highways, footpaths, cycleways, drainage, utilities, service infrastructure, acoustic bunding and fencing.
- Improvements to existing access routes across A1(M) via Six Hills Way, Bessemer Drive, Redcar Drive and Meadway (including a new underpass at Meadway and associated accommodation and engineering works) and highway improvements along Chadwell Road.
In addition, an application has been received for outline planning permission for the following:
- Up to 1,110 homes (including 30 per cent affordable housing and self-build plots).
- Residential care home for up to 72 beds.
- Mixed use local centre.
- Neighbourhood square.
- Primary school.
- Public open and amenity space (including Children's play), sports facilities (including multi-use games area / skate park).
- Associated landscaping and ecological enhancement works, acoustic bunding and fencing, internal highways, footpaths, cycleways, drainage, utilities, service infrastructure and future connections into safeguarded land in North Hertfordshire.
- New car park and pavilion at Meadway Playing Fields.
More information and answers to some of your questions can be found on the West of Stevenage Application FAQs page.