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Valid objections

We can only take into account planning issues when considering your comments. The list below is not exhaustive, but is designed to show the most common examples:

  • Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
  • Archaeology
  • Conflict with planning policies
  • Design, appearance and materials
  • Disabled access
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area
  • Hazardous materials
  • Highway safety
  • Landscaping
  • Loss of light/overshadowing
  • Loss of privacy
  • Loss of trees
  • Nature conservation
  • Noise and disturbance resulting from use
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
  • Proposals/policies in the development plan
  • Road access
  • Smells
  • Traffic generation
  • Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)

What cannot be considered

We cannot take into account matters which are not planning considerations. Again, the list below is not exhaustive but includes:

  • Applicant’s motives
  • Boundary disputes
  • Fence lines
  • Impact during construction
  • Loss of property value
  • Loss of trade and competitors
  • Loss of view
  • Ownership disputes over rights of way
  • Personal morals or views about the application
  • Private disputes between neighbours
  • Restrictive covenants

How will I know what the decision is?

If you received a letter from us telling you about the application and you commented, we will write to you again to tell you what the decision is.

Unfortunately, we cannot notify everyone who has an interest in the application because of resource restrictions.

Only the applicant can appeal a decision which has be made by us. If any appeal is made and you commented on the earlier application, you will be notified and invited to write to the Planning Inspectorate with your comments. Any previous comments you made will also be passed onto the Inspector accordingly.

If you submit anonymous comments, these will carry significantly less weight when the application is being considered by us. We do acknowledge in writing any representations made to us and, if you have objected to a planning application, we will tell you by letter if the application is going to be heard by the Planning Committee giving you details of when and where this will take place.

Taking your views into account

When we receive comments we will upload them alongside the appropriate application. 

All letters for and against which have been submitted to us, including all submissions which have been made online or by email, will be fully considered when deciding on a particular application.

It is not possible for us to respond to comments raised in individual letters due to the amount of correspondence we receive. However, you can view the officer’s report upon request which will set out the relevant planning policies and details your comments so you can understand the basis on which the decision was made. Our officer’s report and the decision notice will contain any details of conditions that have been placed on the approval, or reasons why the application was refused.


All representations which are made in writing by you become part of the application file and are open to be viewed and copied by the applicant and other members of the public. Representations cannot be treated as confidential or kept private. 

Only your name, address and comments will be seen, any personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses will be blocked from public inspection.

Planning applications which are published on this website are subject to copyright restrictions

General Planning Enquiries

Development Management
Planning and Regulation
Stevenage Borough Council
Daneshill House

01438 242838 or call our Customer Service Department on 01438 242242 where your details will be passed over to the Planning Department for an officer to respond accordingly