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Stevenage Youth Mayor formally represents and promotes the interests of young people who live, work, or are in education in the borough, it is also an Ambassador role.

Youth Mayor candidates will be elected by their peers through a democratic election process. Candidates will be supported with their election campaign by staff from Stevenage Borough Council and HCC Services for Young People.

Being the Youth Mayor for Stevenage involves:

  • Representing the young people of Stevenage at engagements and meetings of the Council.
  • Holding a seat on Stevenage Youth Council where you will feed back in civic events and Council meetings.
  • Managing a Local Youth Budget.
  • Accompanying The Mayor on some important events.
  • Attending Full Council meetings where you will hold a non-voting seat.
  • Raising the profile of a chosen local good cause or charity.

Youth Mayor Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Live in the borough of Stevenage.
  • Be aged between 13 and 19 years or up to 25 years with learning difficulties and/or disabilities - (parent or guardian consent is needed if you are aged up to 18 years or up to 25 years with learning difficulties and/or disabilities).
  • Undertake a term of office for one year.
  • Attend the Town Twinning Tri-partite engagement visit as part of Stevenage Borough Council’s Civic group forum.
  • Attend full Council meetings and act as a link to the Stevenage Youth Council.

To apply, all you need to do is complete the online application form.

Apply to become the Stevenage Youth Mayor - opens new windowExternal Link - opens in a new window

If you would like further information please contact our team, or call 01438 242446.