Stevenage Electoral Review Briefing
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) is required in law to review the ward boundaries of every council in the country to ensure they are in the right places and there is roughly the same number of electors in each ward.
Stevenage was last reviewed in 1998, therefore the LGBCE is conducting an electoral review of Stevenage Borough Council and a public consultation has been launched as part of the review.
The purpose of an electoral review is to consider:
- the number of Councillors elected to the Council,
- the number and names of wards,
- the ward boundaries and,
- the number of Councillors per ward.
The Commission would like to brief community groups and other stakeholders in Stevenage to tell you about the review and how you can get involved. The Commission has found that positive engagement with communities leads to better submissions/representations and, ultimately, better outcomes for reviews.
The briefing took place on Monday 20 December and the LGBCE have provided some resources for you to view.