Changes to Town Centre car parks as transformation underway
We are making changes to some of the Stevenage Town Centre car parks, so that we can use them to transform and regenerate the Town Centre, as part of our Stevenage Even Better £1bn programme.
Planning permission has already been granted for a number of developments in the town, which will deliver new homes and jobs, transform our public spaces, and make the town centre a vibrant destination by attracting increased numbers of visitors, to support existing businesses and attract new ones to the town.
To enable the works to be delivered, some of the existing car parks are being modified or redeveloped; this includes:
Marshgate Car Park, which is being redeveloped to become the European headquarters of Autolus, to deliver over 300 jobs alongside a 44-space public car park
Swingate South Car Park, which together with Swingate House is being redeveloped as part of the first phase of the SG1 regeneration scheme
We are also reviewing blue badge parking for people with disabilities to ensure there’s sufficient provision across the town centre
Improvements have recently been made to the St George’s Way Multi-Storey Car Park, with upgrades to the concrete structure, CCTV and security arrangements, and space delineation to improve the overall parking experience. The car parks at the Westgate Centre, The Forum, St George’s Way (above Stevenage Indoor Market), in addition to many others including those provided by retailers, continue to provide over 500 spaces above the current demand on a daily basis.
Government funding has been identified for the provision of a brand-new travel hub, including a new car park with electric charging points, secure cycle storage and blue badge bays at the railway station. This will connect the Railway Station and new Bus Interchange to create a sustainable transport interchange, giving more travel choice to residents. Further news on when this will start will be coming forward in the next few months.
Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE and Cllr John Gardner Portfolio holder for Regeneration jointly said” “We recognise that for many people, private car journeys are still an important part of visiting our Town Centre, and with enhancements to electric vehicles it will continue to do so in the future. By providing higher-quality parking facilities, ensuring there is sufficient capacity, and investing in sustainable transport, we can continue to give residents choices about how they travel whilst also releasing land for our vital regeneration programme.
Whilst construction works will undoubtedly cause some disruption, these developments are key to delivering a vibrant 21st Century offer and transforming our town. We will do all we can to minimise any disruption, and our website provides an interactive map showing which car parks are available.”