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A brand-new community awards created by Stevenage Borough Council launches today - make a nomination now.

The Stevenage Together Awards will take place this October at the Gordon Craig Theatre to honour those in our community going above and beyond. The awards, which celebrate the achievements of people in Stevenage, are now open for nominations and the search is on for this year’s inspiring winners.

If you have a friend, neighbour, colleague or group that you feel is worthy of recognition, you can nominate them for a Stevenage Together Awards in one of the following ten categories:

Sporting Award

This award recognises an individual or group that makes or has made a major contribution to sporting life in Stevenage. It could reward someone with achievements in amateur sport for either playing, coaching, or organising. It could recognise someone who has improved their own or other people’s health and wellbeing through participation or promotion of physical activity.

Environment Award

The Environment Award honours individuals, groups, or organisations in Stevenage that have made significant contributions to protecting and improving the local environment. This award recognises efforts in sustainability, conservation, and eco-friendly initiatives that benefit the community and planet.

Team Award

An award for a group of people who work together to improve their local area, or for an event, activity or project that has enhanced people’s everyday lives or promoted community spirit. It might be something that reduces crime, improves the environment, provides support to community members, or creates opportunities.

Wellbeing Award

The Wellbeing Award acknowledges individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to promoting health and wellbeing in Stevenage. This award celebrates initiatives that enhance physical, mental, and emotional health within the community.

Caring Award

Recognises an individual who carries out an act or acts of kindness through charitable work or fundraising, someone who helps care for other people or animals, or who looks after facilities or buildings. Or it could go to someone whose actions simply make life easier or more pleasant for those around them.

Lifetime Award

The Lifetime Award recognises individuals who have devoted many years of service and made lasting impacts on the Stevenage community. This award honours a lifetime of achievements and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference. It acknowledges the enduring legacy of those who have shaped the community with their dedication.

Rising Star

The Rising Star Award highlights the remarkable achievements of young individuals in Stevenage who show exceptional promise and dedication. This award celebrates young talent making a significant impact in their field, be it academics, arts, sports, or community service.

Community Champion

The Community Champion Award honours individuals or groups who have made outstanding contributions to the Stevenage community through volunteering, championing, and promotion. This award recognises those who selflessly dedicate their time and resources to uplift others and strengthen their community spirit.

New Stevenage Business

This award recognises new businesses and entrepreneurs in Stevenage who have demonstrated exceptional innovation, growth, and community impact. This award honours those who have turned their visions into successful ventures, contributing to the local economy and inspiring others.

STEM Award

The new STEM award celebrates exceptional achievements in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics within the Stevenage community. This award recognises innovators, educators, and enthusiasts who have made significant contributions to STEM fields, inspiring others, and driving progress.

In addition, the Judges’ Special Award will be given to an individual or group that has made an outstanding contribution to the town and its residents.

To nominate, simply go to our Stevenage Together Awards page and choose the category you wish to nominate in and fill in the requested details. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday 1 October 2024.

Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges chaired by Leader of the Council, Cllr Richard Henry, awards partners, and the Youth Mayor.

Chair of Judges and Leader of the Council, Cllr Richard Henry said,

“I am pleased to announce a brand-new community awards to recognise the unsung heroes of Stevenage. I look forward to reading the nominations and great examples of local people supporting each other to strengthen our community. If you know an individual or group that really stands out in your neighbourhood, show your appreciation for all they do by nominating them for a Stevenage Together Award.”

The host for the evening will be SG1 Sports Scene radio presenter and Stevenage FC match day announcer Jay Drackford, @drackers.

Tollers Solicitors is this year’s Headline Sponsor of the Stevenage Together Awards to celebrate the achievements of people in Stevenage.

Tollers Solicitors logo

Sharon Brown, Partner – Head of Trusts and Estates South at Tollers Solicitors added,

“This year marks 10 years since Tollers first moved to Stevenage, and what better way to celebrate than to sponsor these prestigious awards that showcase so much of what makes the town such a great place to live and work in. We are really looking forward to hearing what the nominees have been doing over the last 12 months, and to celebrating their achievements in October.”

Local businesses and organisations can become a Stevenage Together Awards partner and maximise the exposure provided by one of the town’s most high-profile events. Bespoke packages are available. Email for more information.