300 new homes built with 300 more to come
Delivering more social and affordable housing is a top priority for Stevenage Borough Council. The Housing Development team continue to make sure the national property shortage is being met in the town by delivering 300 new homes to date and are on site building a further 300 more.
The development sites approved/in progress includes:
De-Havilland House, North Road
This scheme sees the development of 21 high quality apartments for sale. The council is using the profit it makes in schemes such as this to help fund social housing throughout the town. The apartments are expected to be completed in February 2022.
Helston House, Scarborough Avenue
The Helston House scheme is delivering 29, one, two and three-bed apartments for social rent. The scheme also includes a range of environmental enhancements, such as solar panels, triple glazing, heat recovery systems and zero gas. The development is anticipated to complete in summer 2022.
Dunn Close
The scheme on Dunn Close recently received planning permission, and will deliver supported housing for the town. The development is made up of 21, one, two and three-bed apartments with 6 separate one-bedroom apartments. Construction work will be starting soon. Watch this space. Completion expected in 2023.
Eliot Road, Chells
The council has been working in partnership with Keepmoat Homes and Origin Housing Association to provide 13, two and three-bed homes. These homes will be let at 100% affordable rents for families on the council’s housing waiting list with the properties due to complete later this month.
Kenilworth Close, Bragbury End
The Kenilworth Close scheme sees the regeneration of the neighbourhood centre in Bragbury End. The development will deliver a total of 236 new homes, including 118 being retained for council rent. The scheme will also see the construction of a new independent living scheme, a high quality retail offering and new community facilities. The first phase of the scheme is anticipated to be delivered in early 2023.
Oaks Cross
The scheme at Oaks Cross will see the construction of 11, one-bed bungalows all for social rent. These properties are constructed off-site, before being delivered fully furnished. As a result of this modern method of construction, the anticipated total construction time is only 4 months. The scheme is due to be completed in late spring 2022.
All of the sites follow Stevenage Borough Council’s 5 star quality housing development principles which are:
- Sustainable developments
- Genuinely affordable rents
- Mixed housing
- Makes best use of land
- Community lead consultation
Cllr Jeannette Thomas, Executive Member for Housing, Health and Older People at Stevenage Borough Council, said: “All of these new developments will be a great addition to the homes we already have here in Stevenage.
“We are working hard to deliver more social and affordable housing for the town through large re-investment projects, like for example, North Road, which has funded the homes being built on Scarborough Avenue. We are building hundreds of new homes in Stevenage alongside generating local prosperity by creating new jobs on the development sites and offering workers professional training.”
The demand for more social and affordable housing in Stevenage is high, and the council is working hard to deliver more homes across every part of the town.