Street Trading Licence
Licence conditions
If you trade in the street, you may need to apply to us for street trading consent.
You must provide specific information, including details of the street you wish to trade on and the days and times you wish to trade. You must also provide two passport size photographs of yourself. You must comply with any conditions attached to a street trading consent.
Each street trading consent issued by us is subject to standard licence conditions:
- the name of the person who may trade;
- the goods that may be sold;
- the exact site where trading may take place;
- the days and times when trading can take place;
- displaying the licence holders name and licence number;
- employment of school children;
- heating and lighting arrangements; and
- disposal of rubbish.
A licence is not required if you are:
- trading as a peddler under licence issued by a police authority;
- a market trader operating at a licensed market venue;
- a news vendor selling only newspapers and periodicals; and
- trading on private land or if the public do not have free access.*
* The landowner may need planning permission and you are advised to contact our planning office on 01438 242159 or email using,
To confirm the situation, you are advised to contact us.
How much does a licence cost?
Type of application | Fee |
(a) Single Application | £570 |
(b) Town Centre Promotion (commercial) | £64 |
(c) Town Centre Promotion (voluntary/charity) | £0 |
(d) Farmers Market (Annual) | £119 |
(e) Farmers Market (Occasional) | £64 |
(f) Stevenage day/carnival/open air events (commercial trader) | £64 |
(g) Stevenage day/carnival/open air events (voluntary/charity) | £0 |
How do I apply for a licence?
You can apply online at the GOV.UK website.
When will my application be processed?
We will acknowledge receipt of your application within 4 working.
We will determine your application within 28 days.
Street trading consent can only be issued for sites that have been designated as consent sites. However, where a person wishes to trade from a place that is not a designated site; inspectors will consider designating that place as a licence site.
Consent may not be granted when adverse comments are received from the consulted parties and/or where there is a risk to road safety or possibility of a nuisance being created.
Pitches in the Town Centre are run by the Town Centre Management Company but are also subject to the requirement to obtain annual street trading consent.
Will Tacit Consent Apply?
Yes, you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period stated above.
How do I appeal?
There is no statutory right of appeal against our decision. However, if your application is refused or revoked, you can appeal to our General Purposes Committee. You can also ask for a Judicial Review, which is a decision made by the Crown Court Judges who will look at all aspects of the application and then give a judgement on the facts.