Chells Park
This 14 acre park is a mixture of sports pitches and informal open space.
Play area
The play area, which is adjacent to the pavilion and near the main car park, was upgraded in 2004 and has a small range of equipment suitable for toddlers.
The site has football pitches and combination goal units, a rugby pitch and basketball hoops.

Chells Pavilion
Managing play areas
Play areas are managed closely and inspected daily; litter bins are emptied and litter or broken glass is removed. Play equipment is inspected once a week to ensure safety for continued use.
If you have visited any of our parks recently and found a problem with the equipment or with general cleanliness, please let us know.
Getting to the park
The park lies to the east of Stevenage between Gresley Way and Ferrier Road.
Chells Park
Gresley Way
By Car
The park can be accessed from Gresley Way with car parking facility at the main entrance. There is no vehicular access via Ferrier Road.
On Foot
Pedestrian access is possible from points around the periphery of the park through the surrounding residential areas of Ferrier and Anderson Road and Lanterns Lane Woodland.
Cycle access
Cycles are permitted on the Sheafgreen Bridle path that runs along the parks Southern boundary.
Public Transport
Residential areas bordering the park and Gresley Way benefit from a bus service providing excellent access to those who rely on public transport.
Lanterns Lane and Elm Green Woodlands
These woodlands are a narrow strip of trees, 6-hectares in size that lie between Chells and Chells Manor.
The land was planted in the early 1960s with mainly Scots pine and some Corsican pine. Elm and Beech trees were also planted. These trees, together with some natural regeneration of locally native trees and shrubs, have developed to form a plantation which is always accessible for residents.
There are two routes through the plantation; the lower route, consisting of Narrowbox Lane and Lanterns Lane and the upper route which was newly created in the mid 1990s when a new water main was needed to provide water for the further expansion of the town.
These routes run from Chells Park on Gresley Way through to Mobbsbury Way and can be used to access many other parts of Chells by foot or bike.

Chells Woodland Walk