Helston House, Scarborough Avenue

The Scarborough Avenue development is an entirely social rented development of 29, one, two and three-bed apartments which will be let to council tenants.
Work is continuing at pace on site at Scarborough Avenue with the main roof structure now in place and the maximum height of the build reached following the construction of the parapet roof.
First fix electrics and plumbing are underway throughout the whole of the building and the first batch of windows have been delivered.
You can expect to see the installation of the windows over the next few weeks and further internal works continuing.

The development also contains a number of enhanced environmental features, including electric boilers, triple glazing and heat recover systems.
The fabric of the building itself has also been improved with an enhanced insulation being installed at the site.

Parking at the scheme will be through under croft parking located underneath the scheme, ensuring pressure isn’t placed on the surrounding streets.
Progress on site today
Brick and block work is currently continuing at the site, with steels soon being installed to enable the second floor to be lifted into place. The aspiration is that the development will have reached roof level by mid-June. Meanwhile, work continues internally to the ground floor units.

Our Commitment to build back better and greener
Protecting the environment and ensuring that new homes we build are sustainable for both future residents and the environment is an increasing priority for us.
Therefore we try to exceed the minimum standards required of us by Building Regulations.
On this scheme we have introduced the following:
- Zero Gas.
- Triple Glazing.
- Heat Recovery Systems.
- Photo Voltaic Energy Generation.
- Electric Vehicle Charging points.