Consultation and Engagement
We want to hear your views about our services, living in the town, or anything else you have an opinion about.
Have your say
We regularly consult with local residents, partners and other stakeholders. This enables customers and other interested parties to have opportunities to be involved in the planning, prioritising and monitoring of services.
We are committed to asking local people for their views and opinions on particular issues or services in order to diagnose problems, assess service standards and check performance. These views can then be used to inform the decisions regarding the issue or service in question.
Some of the ways in which we engage the local community include:
- surveys and questionnaires
- community roadshows
- focus groups
- stakeholder conferences
To take part in our short Co-operative Neighbourhoods Engagement Survey, please complete the online survey via the link below.
If you’d like to hear more about future engagement opportunities in your neighbourhood and across the town, please email,