Youth Mayor
Youth Mayor for 2024/25
Lahaina Sutherland is the thirteenth Youth Mayor of Stevenage. She is currently studying at Barclay Academy Sixth Form and works part-time at Decathlon. Lahaina has a particular interest in the Latin language and literature.

Her main aims are to promote inclusivity, ensure public transport safety, and bring exciting opportunities to the young people of Stevenage. She believes strongly that the engagement of young people in their communities is crucial for areas to thrive and progress. During her term, Lahaina wants to make sure young people in Stevenage have an accessible and strong-willed representative who acknowledges their importance in society.
Lahaina wants to make the most of her term by attending many events and making her face known to the community. She also wants to make an impact and use her £2000 budget to benefit youth initiatives and organisations in Stevenage, particularly those of minority backgrounds. She believes in equality of opportunity and ensuring that voices from a range of backgrounds are recognised.
She is overly excited to have been voted for as the Youth Mayor of Stevenage – something that is not offered to many areas in the country - and is passionate about advocating for young people in the area
Deputy Youth Mayor
Frankie Duncan, is the second Deputy Youth Mayor of Stevenage. As well as supporting Lahaina during her year, Frankie wants to focus on safety, ensuring all young people feel safe where they live and go to school. Furthermore, Frankie believes Stevenage offers a wide range of opportunities for young people and wants to help promote these to young people.
Lahaina and Frankie will formally represent the young people of the town in the role of ambassador and will work with Stevenage Youth Council to help promote the interests of younger members of the community, regardless of ability, gender, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, and class.
What does the Youth Mayor do?
The first Youth Mayor of Stevenage was elected by Stevenage Youth Council and was inaugurated at Annual Council on 23 May 2012.
The Youth Mayor attends council meetings and civic events, and accompanies the Mayor/Deputy Mayor at some youth-orientated engagements. The Youth Mayor also holds a non-voting seat at Stevenage Borough Council meetings.
The Youth Mayor directs the expenditure of a Local Youth Budget of £2,000 to support a youth related community project, organisation, charity or local group with a recognised legal status or an unincorporated association with its own bank account. If the organisation does not have a bank account, the application will not be considered.
Who can become the Youth Mayor for Stevenage?
Any young person who lives in Stevenage aged 11 to 19 years, or up to 25 if they have a learning difficulty or disability, can nominate themselves as a Youth Mayor candidate. The Youth Mayor is elected by young people from across the Borough and they will take up the role for one year.
For information on the role of Stevenage Youth Mayor, Stevenage Youth Council or the Local Youth Budget, please call Community Development on 01438 242446 or email,