Food Hygiene Rating
How is my food hygiene rating worked out?
The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme allows the public to see how hygienic your food business is.
Three business areas are assessed:
- Food hygiene
- Structure and cleanliness
- Confidence in management
Your rating does not reflect the quality of your food or the standard of service.
The scores range from 5 down to 0.
5 – hygiene standards are very good
4 – hygiene standards are good
3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory
2 – some improvement is necessary
1 – major improvement is necessary
0 – urgent improvement is required
The Food Standards Agency gives guidance on what you need to do to achieve a higher score.
Do I have to display my score?
As part of the scheme, food businesses are given a window sticker showing the rating achieved.
In England, the display of the Food Hygiene Rating stickers in food businesses is voluntary, but food hygiene ratings are available to view online.
How do I appeal my rating?
Before you appeal your food hygiene rating, please contact us so that we can explain why that rating was given. You must appeal within 21 days and we will respond within 21 days.
Your hygiene rating will not be displayed during this period.
Requesting a re-inspection
A request for a re-inspection can be made at anytime. Any visit that is undertaken will be unannounced and will take place within three months of your request being made. Evidence of improvements (photographs), must be provided or a request for a re-inspection will be declined. The cost of a re-inspection is available on the Environmental Health Fees and Charges page under 'Other Environmental Health charges'.
Your rating could go up, down or remain the same.
Publishing the rating early
Some businesses wish to have their new rating displayed before the end of the appeal period. Business owners or managers can request that a rating is published early. The request must be made in writing or fill in the online form below.
The request will be reviewed the rating published early unless we need further information.
Your right to reply
You can tell us how your business has improved its hygiene standards. You can also tell us why you think the inspection did not go as well as you would like and the actions you have taken.
Your response and your score will be published on our website.
Hygiene training
If you work with food, Level 2 Food Hygiene training will help you run a safer food business. There are many local training providers who offer this training, as well as online courses.