Commercial Garages

The council have a variety of commercial garages available to rent in many areas across Stevenage.
Prices start from £17.50 up to £76.00 a week (excluding VAT) depending on the size and location of the garage. Access to the commercial garages are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
View current garages and apply
David Chell is the Director of Tornado Event Hire Ltd, a business based in Stevenage, and is one of our commercial garage's customers.
David started renting garages way back in 1998 and has taken on a total of four garages as his business expanded.
He said to us:
“It is a cost-effective way of storing my work equipment, and I would class these garages as commercial lock-ups due to their size and the level of security. My experience of working with the Garages Team has been great! They are very friendly, professional, and understanding. For example, during lockdown, Stevenage Borough Council was understanding of the financial burden of not being able to operate my business at full capacity and helped me with a manageable payment plan.”