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Any person of working age in receipt of Housing Benefit (HB) that is deemed to be under-occupying their home will have a reduction in the amount of HB that they receive.

As per the Government’s criteria, claimants are allowed one bedroom for each of the following:

  • A couple
  • A person aged 16 or over
  • Two children of the same sex until their 16th birthday
  • Two children of either sex until their 10th birthday
  • Any other child
  • If the claimant or their partner needs overnight care

Tenants who have one spare room will have a 14% reduction in HB.
Tenants who have two or more spare rooms will have a 25% reduction in HB.


If you are under-occupying your home we can assist you with moving to a more suitable property. For those who have other factors limiting their capacity to move we can also assist with applying for Discretionary Housing Payments.

Further information

If you would like to check how many bedrooms Citizen's Advice have a Bedroom Calculator

Housing Benefit - bedroom calculator for social housing tenants