Our Commitment to Equality and Diversity
As a service provider, employer and community leader, we are committed to achieving equal opportunity, celebrating diversity and ending unfair discrimination.
We will offer equal opportunities in employment for everyone regardless of sex or gender identity, marital status, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, religion or belief, age, sexuality, working status, income or social background, or any other factor not related to the job.
We want to provide a workplace where all employees are given the opportunity to reach their full potential, feel valued, enjoy their working environment and work together effectively to achieve our goals. We will try to establish a workforce that better reflects the diversity of the wider community of Stevenage and will not tolerate discrimination among our staff and our communities.
Our activity will adhere to the requirements set out by law within the Equality Act 2010 (and previous legislation), and offer equality of opportunity to everyone.
We aim to be fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory in carrying out all of our responsibilities. We value the differences of the communities who live in Stevenage and want to celebrate the contributions they make to the town.
Our customers and communities will be involved in and consulted on decisions that affect them, and the equality profile of our town will be considered in the development of all new policies, the review of existing practices and to inform new projects. We are committed to ensuring our services and employment practices reflect the highest possible equality standards.
We will strive to achieve an equal and diverse town and workforce by providing services that are accessible to everyone, and serving communities that feel they are included and engaged in our activities.
All of our employees are responsible for putting this policy into practice and action will be taken against anyone who breaches it or causes disadvantage to their colleagues or to people in our community.
Celebrating equality and diversity is an important part of our aim to create a town we can all be proud of, and a town in which people want to live, work, invest, do business and visit.
Equalities and Diversity
Stevenage Borough Council
Daneshill House