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Fees and charges for Almond Lane and Weston Road Cemeteries from 1 January 2025.


Interments for Stevenage residents are charged the fee as stated.

Triple fees are applicable for the interment of persons who are non-residents of Stevenage.

Please note that any Coffins or Caskets that exceed 42 inches in width will be charged the equivalent of double burial fees.



0 - 1 Month (if one or both parents are Stevenage residents) Free
4' - Child (16 years and under if one or both the parents are Stevenage residents) Free
5' - Single depth grave £940
6' - Double depth grave £1,265
8' - Triple depth grave £1,650

Natural burials

The Natural Burial Glade is located at Almond Lane cemetery where we have single-depth grave spaces and ashes plots available.

There is no additional fee for non-residents in this area.

Description Fee
Grant of Rights £1,280
Burial Fee 5' - Single depth grave £910
Ashes plot (single interment) £370
Ashes plot (double interment) £535

Purchase of Grant of Exclusive Right to a Grave/Plot

Triple fees are applicable for non-residents of Stevenage.

Description Fee
Child grave (16 years and under) 50 years £299
Adult grave 50 years £1,391
Garden of Rest plot 50 years £462
Rose Garden 50 years £150
Grant Transfer £103

Cremated remains – Sanctum Vaults

Triple fees are applicable for non-residents of Stevenage.

Description Fee
Sanctum Vaults at Almond Lane Cemetery - 15-year lease and first inurnment £1,150
Sanctum Vaults second inurnment £300
Lease renewal fee £1,150
Lease transfer fee £87

A basic inscription on the granite plaque is included in the inurnment fees above. If a more detailed design is requested the price will be given upon application.

Cremated remains

Triple fees are applicable for non-residents of Stevenage.

Description Fee
Grave space  £340
Garden of Rest (inclusive of Base Stone) £340
Lawn Birches at Weston Road Cemetery - scattering only  £82.50
Rose gardens (total price payable inclusive of rose and plaque) £645

Cremated remains – Double Casket (for 2 persons)

Triple fees are applicable for non-residents of Stevenage.

Description Fee
Grave Space £495
Garden of Rest (inclusive of Base Stone) £495
Rose Gardens (total price payable inclusive of Rose and plaque) £962

Chapel Hire

For services - duration up to 1 hour - £160

Wake venue per hour - £60

Saturday Interments

Saturday's interments can be booked to take place between 9:30am and 12:30pm.

These are booked with the additional fees:

Description Fee
Burials £1,442
Ashes £443


Description Fee
Headstone £265
Memorial (Garden of Rest) £245
Each additional inscription £100
Memorial Wall £57
Memorial Wall - renewal fee for 5 years £57
Mulberry Memorial Tree - new £155/£182
Mulberry Memorial Tree - renewal fee for 5 years £155
Digital Book of Remembrance - per entry £100
Picture plaques Price on application
Plaques for trees / shrubs £125
Bench plaques (10-year renewal) £500

Additional Services

Description Cemetery Fee
Grave Maintenance - Platinum - per year
4x headstone / memorial clean
4x grave weed and tidy
2x spring / summer and autumn / winter bulbs or plants
Weston Road £442
Almond Lane £514
Grave Maintenance - Gold - per year
3x headstone / memorial clean
3x grave weed and tidy
1x spring / summer and autumn / winter bulbs or plants
Weston Road £322
Almond Lane £358
Grave Maintenance - Silver - per year
2x headstone / memorial clean
2x grave weed and tidy
Both cemeteries £185
Turf laying - undertaken 12-18 months after the burial has taken place, watered during summer and patched where required for the first year   £112
Turf maintenance - Ongoing turf maintenance (topping up, patching, watering, weeding)   £86
Flowers / floral tributes laid - frequency and type of tribute decided by family   Price on application


Description Fee
Exhumation of Burials By Negotiation only
Exhumation of Cremated Remains £515

All the above prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable.


Cavendish Road Depot
Cavendish Road

01438 367109