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There is a maximum of one refuse bin (black wheelie bin) allocated to each property, but there is no maximum number of recycling containers, within reason.

Additional or replacement recycling bins

You can send us a request online (using the link  below), if you need replacement or extra recycling bins (your blue, black, red or green boxes or bags, or brown wheelie bin).

We can deliver these to your door, but there is a long waiting list and it can take up to six weeks for these to be delivered to you.

The collection service at Cavendish Depot is no longer available.

Black refuse bins

If your black refuse bin has gone missing or is damaged, you can request a replacement to be delivered.

Please note, if you would like to replace a damaged bin, this may be a chargeable service depending on the type of damage. By default, you will be issued with a 180 litre black bin, this should be large enough for most households if you recycle.

If you currently have a 240 litre black wheelie bin that is not damaged, but would like to replace it with a smaller bin, free of charge, please contact our team on 01438 242323.

Households that have six or more people permanently living at the address can request a larger bin. Consideration will also be given in other exceptional circumstances. If your application is approved, a refuse bin will be delivered to your property and your current refuse bin will be removed.

Request additional / replacement recycling containers, brown wheelie bin or a black refuse bin - opens new windowExternal Link - opens in a new window

 Replacement black bin charges

Size of container and cost for replacement

Refuse Bin ContainerWho can apply?Charge for Replacement
180 litre black wheelie binAll households with 5 or fewer permanent occupants£40
240 litre black wheelie bin (current standard size)Households with 6 or 7 permanent occupants£40
360 litre black wheelie binHouseholds with more than 8 permanent occupants£40

If you find your lost bin, please tell us so that we can arrange to pick-up one of the bins.

Refuse bins and recycling containers are expensive items. You can reduce the chance of them being stolen by keeping them within your property boundary and marking them with your house number.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is residual waste?

Residual waste is the non-hazardous household waste material that cannot be reused or recycled.

Why are customers being charged for replacement refuse bins?

Each year, the Council spends £31,500 on replacement refuse bins for households in the town. Introducing a standard charge for replacement bins will help to recover those costs. The current spend does not include the time and fuel costs associated with delivering the replacement bins across the town.

Why do the refuse bins cost the same amount when they are different sizes?

The charge is a standard fee to cover the cost of the container plus delivery. An average of this cost has been applied to standardise the charge across all requests.

Will I be charged for a replacement black bin?

Under most circumstances, you will need to pay for a new refuse bin to replace a damaged refuse bin. The only exception to this is if you have a 240 litre bin that is not damaged, and you are requesting a smaller 180 litre black bin, or if the wheel on the bin is damaged as these are easily replaceable.

What if my bin is stolen?

If your bin is stolen, you should report it to the police who will issue you with a crime reference number. You will need to provide that to us when requesting a replacement bin.

What should I do if my household needs to dispose of medical waste in the black refuse bin?

If your household produces large amounts of non-hazardous medical waste, you can be considered for a larger bin. Households producing hazardous medical waste should apply for a clinical waste collection.